Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

People who are active in the morning are happier

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People who are active in the morning are happier


Jakarta, People who are active at night or like to sleep late into the night often go to work or go to school in sullen condition and drink plenty of coffee to keep them sleepy, for a while some people who are active in the morning look more cheerful and come to work or school 15 minutes early. Not only that, a new study shows that some people who are active in the morning are happier and more happy with the whole life. But adolescent routines that like to sleep until late at night will also be relatively faded according to age and this study mentions that this routine will also move to a busy schedule of some big focus in the morning. No wonder adults are happier than the younger generation. "" Research has also been shown that people who are active in the morning are reported to be happier than people who like to sleep until late at night or active at night. But this research only monitors the tendency in a young adult, "" said researcher Renee Biss, a graduate student at the University of Toronto as written from MSNBC on Thursday (06/14/2012). The new study, published in the journal Emotion, finds out whether morning routines in older or adult individuals play a role in their overall life view. Here researchers study two populations: 435 adults aged 17-38 years. and 297 adults aged 59-79 years. Then the second group questionnaire content about the emotional state, how healthy the situation and the "" moment "" option for its activity. Participants are 60 years old. generally like to do activity in the morning. Just the opposite is just about 7% of young adults who are active in the morning. But along with increasing age, this routine will also shift. This kind of thing is the same as the discovery of researchers that only 7% of the older group of participants who still like to sleep until late at night. "" We found that older people are reported to have greater positive emotions than adults but younger people. Beyond that, older adults are relatively more active in the morning than young adults, "" explains Biss. "The meaning of 'morningness' or liveliness in the morning is also linked to the greater emotional happiness in the 2 age groups. "" People who do a lot of activity in the morning are also relatively healthier than some people who like to sleep until late at night. Some researchers say this kind of thing may be because some people who naturally do activities this morning to get a better quality of sleep. This routine not only makes it more alert, but also affects the immune system. "" We do not understand why such a thing can take place, but there is as much information as possible. Some people who do activities at night may be more vulnerable to social inequality, which means that the biological clock is out of sync with the social clock, "" Biss continued. "" Moreover, people's expectations are also far more organized and focused around some people who have an activity schedule in the morning. "" For example, most people get up early for work or school, even if some people do not like it. "" People who like to do activities at night will also pass their nights for a week with unhappy feelings because they have to get up earlier than they want, "Biss said. Therefore, in order for most people to get their happiness easily, the researcher recommends changing your sleep schedule so you switch to being active in the morning. "" One of the steps is to increase your natural light exposure in the morning and go to bed early to wake up early, "" said Biss. "" It would be so easy if you had an ongoing schedule to convince you to wake up at the same time of day. "" says Biss.

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People who are Active in the Morning Day Happier Life Jakarta, People who are active at night or staying up late often go to work or school in a pouting face and drink plenty of coffee to keep them sleepy while those who are active in the morning seem more cheerful and come to work or school 15 minutes early. Not only that, a new study shows that people who are active in the morning feel happier and more satisfied with the whole of his life. Yet the habit of adolescent who stay up will tend to fade with age and this study says that this habit will shift to an activity schedule that is mostly focused in the morning. No wonder adults are much happier than the younger generation. "" Previous research has also shown that people who are active in the morning are reported to be happier than people who stay up late or are active at night. But this study only monitors the tendency in young adults, "said study author Renee Biss, a graduate student at the University of Toronto as quoted by MSNBC, Thursday (14/06/2012). The new study, published in the journal Emotion is to find out whether morning habits in older or mature individuals contribute to the outlook on life as a whole. Here researchers study two populations: 435 adults aged 17-38 and 297 adults aged 59-79. Then the two groups filled out questionnaires about his emotional state, how well his condition and the "time" option "for his activities. 60-year-old participants mostly like to move in the morning. In contrast, only about 7 percent of young adults are active in the morning. But as you get older, this habit will change. This is consistent with the researchers' discovery that only 7 percent of the older group of participants still stay up. "" We found that older people reported having greater positive emotion than adults but younger. In addition, older adults tend to be more active in the morning than young adults, "" Biss explained. "" The term 'morningness' or liveliness in the morning is associated with greater emotional happiness in both age groups. "" People who do a lot of activity in the morning also tend to feel healthier than those who like to stay up. The researchers say this may be because people who naturally move in the morning get better sleep quality. This habit not only makes him more alert, but also affects his immune system. "" We do not know why this can happen, but there are some potential explanations. People who move at night may be more vulnerable to social inequalities, which means their biological clock is out of sync with their social clocks, "" Biss continued. "" Moreover, people's expectations are also much more organized and focused around people who have schedules activity in the morning. "" For example, most people get up early for work or school, even if these people do not like it. "" People who like to move at night will be through their evenings for a week with unhappy feelings because they have to get up earlier than they want, "" Biss said. Therefore, for everyone to get their happiness easily, to change your sleep schedule so you turn into an active person in the morning. "" One way is to increase your natural light exposure in the morning and go to bed early to wake up early, "" says Biss. "" It would be very easy if you have a consistent schedule to make sure you wake up at the same time each day . "" says Biss. (ir / ir)

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Kamis, 08 Maret 2018

Wie diese Auswirkungen der Schlafentzug für das Gesicht und Aussehen

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Wie diese Auswirkungen der Schlafentzug für das Gesicht und Aussehen


Jakarta, die Auswirkungen von Schlafmangel zusätzlich beeinflussen die Körperfunktionen einer Person kann auch Auswirkungen auf seine körperliche Erscheinung. Daher gibt es ein Sprichwort, dass Schlaf wichtig genug ist, Schönheit zu erhalten, und es wurde tatsächlich von der Studie bewiesen. Die Forscher vom Karolinska Institute in der Zeitschrift Royal Society Open Science berichteten kürzlich über die Durchführung von Schlafexperimenten an 25 Menschen. Sie wurden gebeten, zwei Tage lang genug zu schlafen, dann wurde die folgende Woche gebeten, nur noch vier Stunden für zwei Tage zu schlafen. Foto der Befragten nach genug Schlaf und Schlaf nur vier Stunden sammelten Forscher. Dann wurden 122 andere gebeten, eine Einschätzung darüber abzugeben, wie attraktiv, gesund, schläfrig und vertrauenswürdig die Befragten auf dem Foto sind. Lesen Sie auch: Vorsicht, blasende AC beeinflussen Position und Gesundheit Schlaf Das Ergebnis von Menschen geben schlechte Punktzahl in Bezug auf die Attraktivität auf dem Foto Befragten, die Schlafentzug sind. Darüber hinaus wollen die Menschen auch mehr wollen die Befragten nicht sozialisieren, wenn sie weniger schlafen. Laut Forschern macht es Sinn, wenn man von der Anpassung der Evolution ausgeht. Das Gesicht des Schlafentzugs gilt als ungesund und von dort werden die Menschen gezwungen, wegzubleiben. Das Gesicht, das ungesund aussieht, sei es aufgrund von Schlafmangel oder aus anderen Gründen, kann die Mechanismen anderer Menschen dazu bringen, sich von Krankheiten fernzuhalten, so die Forscher wie von der BBC zitiert. Gayle Brewer's Psychologie von der Universität von Liverpool sagt, dass wir alle physisches Urteil fällen werden, wenn wir andere treffen, ohne es zu wissen. Wenn es Dinge gibt, die ein wenig anders sind als normal, können wir es realisieren. Wir wollen auf jeden Fall paaren (das Gegenteil - rot), um zu erregen und interessant. Diese Studie erinnert uns daran, wie wichtig der Schlaf für uns ist, schloss Gayle. Lesen Sie auch: Mangel an Schlaf kann Sie so leicht zum Hungern machen (fds / up)





Senin, 05 Maret 2018

Jennifer Lopez piace lo spettacolo sexy di pancia, qual è il suo sport?


Jennifer Lopez piace lo spettacolo sexy di pancia, qual è il suo sport?


Jakarta, la cantante sexy Jennifer Lopez ha recentemente mostrato il suo ventre piatto su instagram. Alcuni lo chiamano il risultato di photoshop, ma in effetti la diva ha uno stile di vita salutare che permette ai muscoli del suo stomaco scolpiti in modo così bello.Ayyyyy ..., ha scritto il cantante con il famoso nome J.Lo, accompagnando una foto caricata sexy mostra i suoi muscoli addominali in instagram. L'accusa che la foto è risultati di photoshop è stata innescata da piccoli cerotti intorno alla gabbia toracica sinistra. Di J.Lo, descritto nelle sue risposte nella colonna dei commenti che gli spot non stanno modificando.GLI errori. Solo una macchia sullo specchio. Non Photoshop, ha detto. Leggi anche: Jennifer Lopez Come 27 anni a 47 anni, Qual è il segreto? In realtà non solo questa volta J.Lo mostra i muscoli addominali. In precedenza, più volte ha fatto la stessa cosa in instagram e infatti il ​​suo stomaco è così piatto con le sculture dei muscoli scolpite perfette. Citato da People, J. Lo ottiene la forma di muscoli addominali così ida dai risultati di esercizio fisico regolare. Ha preso la classe con il suo istruttore, Tracy Anderson, 4-5 volte in una settimana. J.Lo ha anche preso la boxe alias il pugilato. Mi è sempre piaciuto ", ha detto J.Lo a proposito dello sport del pugilato che ha vissuto.



Leggi anche: Iih, Geli! Quest'uomo lavora i suoi capezzoli torcenti del seno. Sport come se fosse diventato parte dello stile di vita sano di J.Lo. Insieme al suo compagno, Alex Rodriguez, è stato catturato più volte in palestra. A causa della dieta, sembra che J.Lo non sia il tipo degli elettori. Consuma tutto, ma con determinate impostazioni. Non mi limito. Ma ho imparato l'importanza di mantenere uno stile di vita equilibrato, ha detto. Leggi anche: Diet Choice Jennifer Lopez per restare snella e in forma (su / giù)